Hope for the downcast soul

1 in 10 people in the UK will suffer from some form of depression this year. Christians are certainly not immune. In fact, Christians often have questions that others don’t have: Why do I feel this way? Should I feel this way? Where is God in this darkness? How much control do I actually have over the way I feel? Is it a spiritual problem, or just a physical one?

Come and search God’s Word with us as we seek answers to these, and other questions.

Sunday 29th July, 6:30pm “Hope for the downcast soul: Broken bodies and minds”

Sunday 5th August, 6:30pm “Hope for the downcast soul: Spiritual causes and cures”

Sunday 12th August, 6:30pm Hope for the downcast soul: Case studies and Q&A”

And the video we played at the end of the series…