The tagline on our logo says it all really: We are involved in transforming lives for the glory of God.
We seek to be a group of people devoted to worshipping God, proclaiming the good news of Jesus, learning and growing through God’s word, caring for each other and serving the community around us.
There are certain things that are really important to us:
Prayer – We know we can do nothing without God’s help and power.
Practical Bible teaching – We believe that God speaks through the Bible about practical every day life situations.
Ministry of the Holy Spirit – Only through the power, enlightenment and gifts He brings are we able to know and serve our Lord, so we recognise that we need to be constantly open to his ministry among us.
Every member involvement – Every follower of Jesus has a role to play in the church family.
Diversity – Because we are diverse in background, culture, and age, we welcome the variety of style with which people worship and serve the Lord.
Authentic relationships – We believe that in our relationships with each other we should display Christ-like acceptance, honesty, gentleness and love if we are to truly reveal God’s transforming power.
Youth – Children and young people are highly valued as part of the church of today and not just as the church of tomorrow.
Excellence – We believe that God deserves the very best we can give in all we do for him.
The Church's Location
Whitton Baptist Church is located at: 209 Highfield Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 6DH
Car parking is quite limited on-site but there is plenty of parking either in Highfield Road (please be considerate to our neighbours!) or in Aldi’s car park, next door.
View the Church on Google Maps | Download a print-friendly map here (PDF)
The bus stops on Meredith Road are just around the corner: Dale Hall Dart 7
Our History
Read a potted history of our church (PDF).
Network & Links
We partner with a variety of other organisations.
Legal & Financial
Our HMRC charity number is X754750. More information on our legal and financial position.