Welcome! We love having visitors!
We understand that everyone is on some sort of faith journey and we would consider it an honour to help you along in yours. Hopefully you'll find the information on our site interesting and helpful, but to be honest, we'd rather meet you in person and you'd be very welcome at any of our meetings.

About Us
We're a pretty normal bunch – people of all ages from all walks of life. However, we have one great thing in common: we all believe in Jesus Christ and are committed to following Him as our leader.
From children through to grandparents we share stories of the difference He makes to our lives; stories of physical and emotional healing, freedom from addiction, and peace in the midst of suffering. Most wonderful of all, though, is the knowledge that we’ve been accepted by God and welcomed into his family.
The best place to find us is probably one of our Sunday services. We always have tea & coffee available afterwards and you'd be very welcome to stay and chat, but people will respect your privacy, too, if you'd rather just slip out quietly.
There's a creche for babies and toddlers and Sunday school for children, and you can be assured that they will be well cared for.

When & Where?
We’re based in a residential area in the north west of Ipswich, near to the #9 and #10 bus routes and with easy access from the A14. Find us on Highfield Road, behind Aldi. (View map)
Our morning service starts at 10:30am, and ends before 12midday.
Our evening service starts at 6:30pm and ends before 8pm.
What should I wear? Whatever you feel comfortable in! Some come in a suit; most are dressed in normal casual clothes. Your jeans are fine!
Will I be asked for money? In the morning service we have an offering. You're welcome to contribute if you want to, but we certainly don't expect that from visitors! Most church members give by standing order, so you certainly won't be the only one not putting anything in! We don't have an offering in the evening service.
Where do you get your money from? We're an independent church, so we almost entirely rely on the generous giving of church members!
Will I have to sing / read / do anything embarrassing? You certainly won't be singled out as a visitor! We do sing together as a congregation. Some of the songs are quite well known, others you may not be familiar with. Just go with the flow - most people find they catch on pretty quickly and enjoy it a lot!
What do I do with my kids? We'd recommend the morning service if your kids are under about 10. We have a creche for babies, and Sunday school for toddlers upwards. All our children's leaders are DBS checked. For special services (Christmas, Easter, etc.), we don't always have a full children's programme, but in that case, we'd encourage you to keep your kids with you in the service. We don't mind a bit of noise, and we try to be as child-friendly as we can.