Mozambique Trip – Wednesday evening (week 1)

Over the last three days we’ve experienced the joys and frustrations of life & and ministry in Mozambique. The first frustration was that yesterday we had no internet access all day – hence this blog being a day late. But the days have been full, interesting and tiring.

Monday saw Judith helping with home schooling the girls in the morning whilst I spent the morning with Ron as he shopped for various supplies, paid several utility bills at different places around the town and went to the organisation who are hopefully organising the water supply in Nancaramo. Unfortunately the director we wanted to see wasn’t available, but I did see the sort of manual water pump they want to install in Nancaramo.

The afternoon was spent just talking with Ron and Irma (known by everyone here as Eveleena) about their ministry here.

Evening saw an old friend visit them so Judith and I had time just to relax.

Tuesday: We were up at 4:00am (3:00am UK time!) and off for a whole days teaching ministry in a town called Chiure (pronounced ‘Shuree’) 2 hours’ drive away. Over ninety church leaders attended the three two hour seminars on the book of Tito (Titus); it was an interesting, and totally enjoyable experience as I taught, Ron did a fantastic job interpreting into Portuguese, after which a local man translated into Makua, the local dialect. We had great fun doing this and the leaders really entered into it! In addition to the teaching each session included some wonderfully exuberant, typically African sing and praying. Quite an experience! We both (Judith and I) had the opportunity to pray for the leaders and for several sick as well. Ron considered the day a huge success, though the Lord alone knows the eternal benefits. I hope they are big. We got home at 7:00pm and crashed, tired, into bed at a little after 9:30.

Wednesday: We had a lie in today – didn’t have to get up until 6:00am! Judith helped with home schooling whilst Ron and I again wen to the meet with the ‘water man’. Unfortunately he hadn’t been passed the relevant information and asked that we return in the afternoon. Come the afternoon he suddenly wasn’t available! Further phone calls increased the frustration as it became clear that people have not been doing what they said they would do. We are now due for a further meeting on Monday. The failed communications, lack of keeping promises and delays seems to be very much part of life here in Mozambique. Please pray for the meeting on M0nday as the whole project of providing fresh water for the village seems to be in danger of stalling.

The rest of the day was spent doing some shopping for supplies and simply just talking with and listening to Ron & Eveleena regarding life and ministry here.

Tomorrow we all go to stay in Nancaramo until Sunday evening. I’ll be doing some Bible teaching each day and meeting (hopefully) the authorities regarding the school – please pray these will be successful and bring the project nearer to fruition.

Life will be a bit primitive – no running water, no drinkable water (we have to take our own in bottles!), no proper toilet (a hole in the ground will have to suffice), and all cooking will be done over a charcoal fire as there is no electricity!

I will let you know how we manage on Monday.

Until then – Boa Noite.