Holiday Club is nearly here!

Body Builders Holiday Club is nearly here!

It’s for all primary school children (reception upwards)

Over this weekend, our church building will be transformed into something quite different – a gym!  Your children will meet the characters of our very own gym soap opera, acted out live by the teenagers of the church! They will also join in with games, crafts, Bible stories and keep fit with Emily and Hannah doing funky moves!

Just bring your children along to Whitton Baptist church (behind Aldi) every morning from Monday 21st to Thursday 24th February, 10am-12noon.

To guarantee your child a place, please complete the Body Builders registration form 2011 and drop it into the church before Monday. Alternatively bring the form along on the first day.

We’re hoping to be blogging our way through next week, complete with some pictures, so you can see what we’ve been up to. So watch this space!

If you have any queries please email Wendy Mason.