Christian dating?

Following last Sunday’s sermon on marriage, I was asked several follow-up questions. Most of them were along the lines of… “I hear what you’re saying about marriage, but how do you get there? What does the Bible have to say about friendship and dating?”

You’ll struggle to find much about dating (as such) in the Bible, simply because in that culture, people didn’t do dating as we know it. However, the Bible has a LOT to say about love, romance and marriage. One pastor who speaks very well about these kind of issues is Mark Driscoll. This message is all about dating, and how a Christian should approach finding someone to marry:#


He takes 1Corinthians 7 and Genesis 2 as a starting point, and looks at how the Bible speaks about the 4 ways most people in the world find someone to marry:

  • Arranged marriage
  • Traditional courtship
  • Non-Christian dating
  • Christian dating

It’s also very funny. Enjoy!!!